Ocean Grove Scout Group

Parent Information

Dear parents, friends and Members, whether you’re new to the Group or have been involved for a while, welcome. Scouting is one of the most rewarding and exciting activities that you and your family can ever be involved in.

No other organisation offers such a diverse range of activities for young people across such a wide range of ages! It’s the biggest youth organisation in the world with nearly 40 million members. In Australia alone, we have almost 70,000.

Being a Member

Core to Scouting is the Scout Promise and Law. Between each section: Joey Scouts, Cubs, Scouts and Venturers, the Law is different – more age appropriate, but the Promise remains constant:

Core to Scouting is the Scout Promise and Law. Between each section: Joey Scouts, Cubs, Scouts and Venturers, the Law is different – more age appropriate, but the Promise remains constant:

We recognise that each of our Members has different obligations and priorities beyond Scouting. School is paramount and we strive to support School and other activities rather than compete with them. We also understand that our Members have many other demands on their time and we work with Members and parents to ensure that they balance them all.

Join today!

New Members are welcome to attend at our hall on the relevant Section meeting night with your first 3 nights free!

Conditions apply. Head to the contact page to get in touch.

What do we do?

At 1st/2nd Ocean Grove, we are an exciting and dynamic Group. From term to term, we have a fun and challenging programme. Scouting is 100 years old, but is also relevant in the 21st Century.

Whether in the bush or on the Internet, we can guarantee experiences that no other organisation can deliver. Over the last year our members have undertaken an expedition to Canberra, survival training, rock climbing, navigation, treasure hunts, hiking and bike riding, Winter Olympics, pirate themed camps and much, much more!

Our activities span personal and interpersonal development, community service and awareness of our culture and heritage. As a Member of Ocean Grove, you will explore your creative, physical and mental capabilities, how you work as a team member, and also explore you spiritual awareness.
One of the most important parts of Scouting is how we promote the independence of our Youth Members. As they progress through Joey Scouts, Cubs and Scouts, more and more they choose, plan and run what they want to do. This framework is underpinned by an award scheme which encourages participation in a wide range of activities and provides recognition of individual achievements.

To support the young people, we are lucky enough to have both experienced and new members of our Leadership Team: balancing enthusiasm and energy with knowledge and experience.

What does it cost?

First things first: It is our fundamental belief that nobody should miss out on Scouting because they can’t afford it. If you’re struggling financially, you can talk to one of the Leaders in confidence to discuss options.

Scouting is a non-profit organisation. We receive no external funding: public or government. We rely on term fees, fundraising and most recently, have sought grant aid to minimise costs.

When you first join, we ask each member to pay a one-off $260 membership fee to cover the administration costs of a new membership. From your second term onwards, we ask you for a fee of $100 a term. Beyond week-to-week activities, the fees cover general running costs, insurance, hall costs and maintenance.

There are times that, we’ll also ask for payments for other things such as camps or other special evenings and activities. We do try to keep these costs low, and generally they amount to about the same again as the Term fees. However, major events and expeditions can add significantly to the costs unless we offset them through fundraising or grant aid.

Talking To Us

Generally-speaking, we will provide you with programme and week to week information by email. However, we believe that two-way communication is essential. We recognise the importance of your feedback and also how critical it is for you to understand what we are doing. We want you to feel that we’re approachable and responsive to any concerns you may have.

Your first point of contact is the Section Leaders: Mark, Gab, Allison and their teams will be able to address many queries or concerns you may have. In addition to being available at the Section meetings, you can get in touch with them using the contact details below.

Mark is the Group Leader, and is always available through email and phone. He is there not only there to talk to you about any specific or individual questions you may have, but is also happy to take the time talking about administration, Group plans and the ‘bigger picture’.

Supporting us as an adult

As adults, our focus is on supporting our Youth Members, and as they move through Scouting, to plan and deliver fantastic programs themselves. We encourage them (and ourselves) to think beyond their perceived limits to achieve objectives bounded only by their imaginations. Nothing should be impossible!

At 1st/2nd Ocean Grove, we believe that our strength is in a triangle between our Youth Members, our Leaders and our parents. For all three, we’ve learned that the more you put in, the more you get out.

Being an adult in Scouting is an enjoyable and rewarding experience. We work hard to create an inclusive, friendly and supportive environment. The more adults we involve, the easier, fun and rewarding it will be for all of us!

Like many of the clubs and activities your child takes part in, we expect you to support the running of the Group. We know from experience that the more you are involved, the more your own child will benefit.

We realise the demands upon you and your families. We want you to commit only the time or money that you can afford and there are many ways in which you can do so. We invite you to become a Committee Member, Parent Helper or a Leader.

As a Parent Helper, you will support the leaders either at Mob, Pack or Troop meetings and perhaps some activities outside of the Hall – perhaps a weekend camp or two or another activity. We ask all adults to undertake a Working with Children and police check before helping us.

As a Leader, beyond the Working with Children and police checks, we will ask you to take the Scout Promise and Law and also to undertake a programme of training over your first 2½ years. This training is nationally accredited (including Certificate III/IV in frontline Management) and you have the support of not only your local team, but District, Local, Regional and National resources in undertaking the training. Because we recognise its importance, we bear the full cost of this training.

If you’re not able to assist as a Leader of Adult Helper, we’d like you to join our Group Committee, where you will help us plan and run fundraising, publicity, or maintenance of our equipment and facilities. The Committee is growing, but still needs more members. There is a lot to do, but it’s not all hard work. There’s a real team spirit.

You don’t need to be a parent or guardian. Today, more people are considering undertaking Community Service than ever before. More and more this is seen as increasing one’s employability. Scouting and the support of Ocean Grove is a worthwhile and satisfying way of achieving this.

We’re frequently asked whether Leaders and helpers are paid. The answer is no: all Leaders and supporters are volunteers and receive no payment. We do it either because we’re parents ourselves or have been Members in the past and recognise the benefits of the Scouting to young people.

Thinking About Joining the Scouts?

Why not attend a meeting night and join in!

New Members are welcome to attend at our Hall on the relevant Section meeting night with your first 3 night free! Conditions apply.

Further information for new members is available from our Parent Information page.

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